Academy Water and Sanitation District (AWSD) supplies both drinking water and sewer service to the 763 residents of Pleasant View Estates. Both systems are operated by Semocor, Inc. A five-member board of directors oversees the budgeting and operation of the District.
Our Water Side
Water is pumped from three wells: wells #1 and #3 are shallow groundwater wells accessing the Smith Creek Alluvium; well #2 is a deep groundwater well drawing from both the Dawson and Denver Aquifers. All three wells are located near the treatment plant on Spring Valley Drive. The raw water from the wells is sent to the District’s direct filtration plant and treated prior to distribution to customers. The treated water is stored in two steel storage tanks located on Pleasant View Lane—with a total capacity of 300,000 gallons—prior to distribution. The average daily demand from the 305 water connections is approximately 115,466 gallons.
Please: Always be conscious of conserving water. An extended period of dry conditions has led to calls for water conservation and restrictions around the state. You have probably seen the headlines about this. This involves areas that use surface water, which is dependent on snowmelt and held in reservoirs. Starting every spring and continuing through the summer (the period when water usage is highest), our operator-manager, takes monthly drawdowns tests of the wells to see where the water level is when it’s pumping and not pumping. So far, we do not see any threat to our water supply.
Still, the board would like residents to be aware of their water usage and minimize it whenever possible. Take care of leaks in home plumbing or outdoor irrigation systems; consider xeriscaping or using water-wise plants, and cover with mulch; use less water when showering and washing dishes; and don’t let water run unnecessarily.
Just as important as having a good water supply is having good infrastructure to deliver it, and the District has stayed on top of repairs. We are very happy with a recent cleanout of our three in-ground pressure-reducing valve (PRV) vaults, on Stella, Deby Place, and Spring Valley. The PRVs, which regulate the two pressure zones in the District, were improperly sealed for many years, and now they have been professionally sealed and refurbished.
Our Wastewater Side
The District’s wastewater system serves 298 homes. Once you flush, that wastewater travels to the District’s lift station where it is pumped over Tari Dr into the Donala Water and Sanitation District's waste collection and treatment facility. Donala charges the District a monthly fee per household for treatment of the waste effluent. Our District is still responsible for maintenance of the sewer system serving our neighborhood and the lift station.