Active Projects
Tari Drive and Tari Lane are scheduled for repaving in 2025. The District is responsible for obtaining manhole rings prior to paving; they will be used to level the manholes to the surface of the newly paved roads.
ADA Accessible Web Site
The District activated this new website in September 2024 which is ADA compliant. All pages and documents in the new site have been checked for accesibility.
Upgrade to remote read meters
As older meters stop working they are being replaced with remote read meters. The District is looking to accelerate meter replacements, particularly for those properties with difficult to access meters.

Infrastructure mapping
The district delivery and wastewater system was not adequatly mapped when it was developed back in the 1960s. With the assistance of the District Engineer, mapping of that infrastructure and location of valves remains a priority.
Water Treatment Plant Display Panel
The display panel at the plant is almost 30 years old and has been identified as being antiquated and presents a risk to continued operations. The District has contracted to replace the panel with a state of the art touch screen panel.

Refurbish Water Filters at the Treatment Plant
The treatment plant has two large water filters; we have contracted to refurbish one of those filters in 2024 and the other in 2025. Work started on the first filter December 13, 2024.

Lift Station backup generator
When there is a power outage our lift station shuts down and waste water overflows into a retention pond. A few years ago during a 4 day outage that pond almost overflowed before power was restored. We have reviewed bids for acquisition, installation, and periodic maintenance of a backup generator to automatically power the lift station during such outages. Refurbishing the second water filter is a priority; if the 2025 budget allows, the District will start work to acquire the backup generator.
Periodic flushing of the water delivery system
Following a schedule, the District periodically opens fire hydrants to allow sediment to be flushed from the system.
Periodic flushing and video taping of sections of the sewer system
Based on video review, repairs to the sewer system are completed as necessary.
Curb Stop Locations
The District recently spent a couple years locating curb stops (the valve to turn off water supply to the house). We have not been able to locate stops for approximately 30 homes. Over the next several years the District intends to excavate a few of those supply lines a year and install new curb stops.